Purple and the Rainbow land – A short story

After the bedtime story, she urged him to take her there, to the place where she could see the rainbow.
To a kid who had never seen a rainbow, her dad’s description about it while narrating the story, sounded magical.

“I want to run my fingers all over those colors- violet to red. Just like that princess in the story”, said Purple.

Her dad kissed her a good night and promised to take her there the next day.


Next day

She went to her school.
“Evening, after the school?” she had thrown a reminder before jumping into her school van.

He thought for a while and decided to skip his office. He threw away his bag and drove to a store next street.

“What’s all this? Aren’t you going to office?” his wife asked him, after seeing him return with a large bag of colored papers, paints, balloons and much more.

“Charge our handy-cam. When purple returns from the school, she will be caught with a surprise. I want you to capture that entire episode”, he grinned and went straight towards the backyard.

He painted those papers, cut them into ribbons and pasted them together. He Hung them all over the backyard.
He dipped the brush in the paint can and splashed colors on the garage wall. He filled air in balloons and tied them to lamp posts.

“What are you up to?” asked his wife, seeing the mess.

“It’s the rainbow land. Can’t you see? When Purple returns from school, you should see her face”, he spoke in excitement.

She laughed mildly.

He braved the sun and worked until he was done. When he was done, it was half -past three.

“What do you think?” he asked in all excitement.
His wife looked at the backyard and the garage that stood there. ‘That’s a bad effort’, she thought.

“It’s beautiful”, she widened her eyes to appear convincing while floating the lie.

“In half an hour, she will be here”, he said.

He was yet to complete his word when he felt a drop of water falling right over his nose. He looked upwards, at the sky.
In no moment, dark clouds seized the sky and sun went into hiding.
It started raining heavily – right from the first drop!

He stood at the backdoor, silently watching all his efforts getting washed away.

It rained and rained and rained!

His wife served him a hot coffee.

“That’s okay. Purple will be happy to know that you had tried your best”, she said.
“She’s a kid”, he looked outside, through the window.

The clock rang four and the school van arrived.
Her mom walked towards the gate with an umbrella, to pick her up.

“Daddy! Let’s go to the rainbow land”, she jumped into his arms.
“First let me dry you and get you dressed”, her mom started drying her with a towel.

He silently made an exit to his room.

“Dad! I am ready”, she appeared in his room after about ten minutes. She was dressed in her favorite white frock and appeared like a princess.

“It’s raining outside! We can’t go now. Some other day”, he said.
“But you had promised”, her face dropped.

“Purple!” her mom called her and took her away.

He buried himself in his laptop again and tried attending his office work.

“Daddy!”, he heard her exclaim.
‘She must have explained her efforts that I had put in’, he smiled faintly and silently walked towards the backyard.
The kid and her mother were at the backdoor.

“It’s a rainbow!” she screamed in joy.

He approached them and looked towards the sky.

The sun had sneaked out from his shelter and dark clouds had disappeared.
In the vast canvas of the blue sky, there was the rainbow – large, arched and colored from violet to red!!

“Thank your dad for the rainbow”, his wife prompted the kid.

“Thank you dad”, she pulled his cheeks and planted a kiss. He smiled in joy.

The mother stood there with the handy-camera, capturing the moment and smiling in content!

“What story are you going to tell me today ?”, she asked him after jumping into the bed – right between her mom and dad.

“I am going to tell you a story of Margaret fairy”, he said.
“Margaret fairy? What does she do?” Purple asked him curiously.

“She does magic”, he smiled.

She stayed silent for a while and appeared to be lost in thoughts.
“Daddy! Was mumma named after her?” she asked him innocently.

He looked into his wife’s eyes and both smiled at each other.

Cute little girl with mother colored balloons and rainbow umbrel



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